Shows & Exhibitions

Mood of the week : French

Mood of the week: French

15 - July 21, 2024


France was celebrated yesterday in style, as always with its parade, its fireworks, and this year more than ever with the imminent arrival of the Olympic Games in Paris. It's with nostalgia that we think back to the France of Brigitte Bardot, the images of Epinal, Jane Birkin's bags, berets, and smoking baguettes - in short, the typical postcard in red, white, and blue. So here's our Made in France selection. Do you do you do you Saint Tropez?

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Mood of the week : Country Club

Mood of the week: Country Club

08 - July 14, 2024


Golf courses as far as the eye can see, Olympic-sized swimming pools and stud farms stocked with the most vigorous thoroughbreds... welcome to the Country Club! Here, everything is an excuse to relax after a game of sport, to socialise over a delicate meal, to live like a pasha in the summer sunshine. Reserved for the happy few, it is nonetheless a place of luxury and voluptuousness in everyone's imagination. How about an invitation to the club, just this week?

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Mood of the week : Menthe

Mood of the week: Mint

01 - July 7, 2024


Mint is said to have countless virtues, from calming anxiety to toning the skin. It's generally consumed in summer, for its unrivalled freshness and inimitable colour. Its comeback on the design scene proves that we need a breath of minty freshness now more than ever, and artworks featuring a touch of this colour have that soothing je-ne-sais-quoi, as we see in our selection this week. A little mint tea?

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Mood of the week : Summer

Mood of the week: Summer

24 - June 30, 2024


Summer and its colours are back, and with the equinox just past, it's about time. Flashes of yellow, brilliant whites, azure blues: it's no longer a matter of greyness but of mimosas, sunglasses and train tickets to the South. We're watching out for UV rays while sipping our spritz on the patio, at last. So let's take a look at this week's selection of sunshine and summer. Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in...

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Mood of the week : Rituels

Mood of the week: Rituals

17 - June 23, 2024


To all the superstitious, the astrology buffs, the mystics - in short, to all those who have a spiritual life or at least believe in forces beyond ourselves: here is a selection of works that appeal to our capacity to dream, to believe, to go beyond simple reality. Our lives are punctuated by rituals, and there can be no society without mysticism. I put a spell on you...

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Mood of the week : Jazz

Mood of the week: Jazz

03 - June 9, 2024


The success of the legendary Blue Note in Manhattan, the films Whiplash and La La Land, and the Montreux Festival are all reminders that jazz is not dead, long live jazz! From its birth in the cotton fields of America to electro-jazz, the sound of saxophones, trumpets and drums will sweep you away. If you too can't stop pounding out the beat as soon as you hear Take Five, you're going to love this week's selection. Because as Louis Armstrong said: ‘What we play is life’.

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Mood of the week : Sauvage

Mood of the week: Wild

20 - May 26, 2024


Living freely in nature according to the myths of the good savage of Rousseau, Montaigne and others is becoming increasingly attractive. At a time when we are more and more concerned about the environment, we are constantly drawn back to an ancient golden age when people lived happily in harmony with their environment. As hunter-gatherers, dressed in skins, innocent and pure, who says we weren't made to live in freedom? Our artists put the idea into images, and here's our selection of the week's wild stuff. Born to be wild...

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Mood of the week : Racines

Mood of the week: Roots

06 - May 12, 2024


A family tree is not just its branches, representing the different ramifications of the family, but also its roots. These anchor us in a soil, in a reality, in a culture. Our roots are where we've come from and where we're going, or what we want to overcome. The roots of the oldest trees show us that there are no limits to this, when we see how they can take over from the hand of man. Our selection of the week is dedicated to them... Zippin' up my boots, going back to my roots...

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Mood of the week : Sunset

Mood of the week: Sunset

April 29 - May 5, 2024


Setting suns dress the fields, the canals and the whole city in hyacinth and gold, said Baudelaire. And indeed, we are very little compared to the immensity of the universe and the beauty of a sunset. Our star disappearing behind the horizon is the ideal moment to meditate, dream and connect with the world around us. Its gradation of pinks, oranges and purples has inspired many artists throughout the history of art. All have tried to represent its universal beauty as faithfully as possible... Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in...

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Mood of the week : Urbain

Mood of the week: Urban

22 - April 28, 2024


Wandering the streets of an unfamiliar city is an extraordinary experience. All our senses are called upon, and we get a little excited at the thought of the surprises, dangers and revelations that lie ahead. So off we go, armed with our thirst for discovery and our desire to make the street environment our own, where anything is possible! From New York to Paris, via Hong Kong, take to the streets of your favourite cities in our selection of urban artworks. Street life, you can run away from time...

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Mood of the week : Fraîcheur

Mood of the week: Fresh

15 - April 21, 2024


A summer breeze, a minty treat, an icy lemonade—the closer summer gets, the more we start dreaming about what will cool us down. And it's no coincidence that whatever's fresh, whatever's in the wind... is cool. This week's theme is freshness, and there's no shortage of works that evoke it: check out our vivid selection! Ain't nobody dope as me; I'm just so fresh, so clean...

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Mood of the week : Rouge

Mood of the week: Red

08 - April 14, 2024


A Ferrari Testarossa racing down the road, a robin appearing on the balcony on a summer's evening, an incandescent sunset: red is the power of life bursting forth, of the earth ablaze, of tempers boiling. Red conjures up fire, danger and passion. Our artists are passionate about it, and many use the power of red to bring their work to life. Discover our fiery selection! Little Red Corvette, baby, you're much too fast...

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Mood of the week : Benelux

Mood of the week: Benelux

01 - April 7, 2024


The land Jacques Brel sings is Belgium, but also the Netherlands, from the port of Amsterdam to the Ardennes forest, from the windmills of Kinderdijk to Knokke-le-Zout. And if there is one region in Europe that has produced the greatest names in the history of art, it's this one, from Rembrandt to Magritte, from Flemish still lifes to Piet Mondrian. In this week's selection, you'll find everything that reminds us of our northern neighbours. Hartelijk bedankt!

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Mood of the week : Désert

Mood of the week: Desert

25 - March 31, 2024


From the Sahara to Gobi, from the Persian Gulf to Death Valley, deserts fascinate. The hostile living conditions, the extreme temperatures, the bewildering mirages, and the solitude awaiting the adventurers who travel through them, all justify this fascination. But who hasn't dreamt, at least one day, of isolating themselves far from the world in a desert with no trace of life on the horizon? Our artists do it all the time, and many of them seem irrevocably drawn to the arid plains. On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...

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Mood of the week : Spring

Mood of the week: Spring

18 - March 24, 2024


If your favourite Arcimboldo is Spring, it's probably because you appreciate the beauty of flowers and the season of renewal. In the midst of this outpouring of lilies of the valley, peonies and daisies, it's hard to choose where to look. This week, the season that reenchants the world is back, and we've selected the most spring-like works by our artists to pay tribute to it. Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo...

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Mood of the week : Transparence

Mood of the week: Transparency

February 26 - March 3, 2024


Being transparent, revealing your soul, the heart of your thoughts: this is a difficult exercise for many people. And yet, it's when you lift that veil that the magic happens. The art of stained glass is ancient, but from glass to plexiglass, architects and artists have been increasingly inclined since the 20th century to show what was once hidden. Superimpositions, Hitchcockian revelations, pieces of prestidigitation... discover - literally - our selection of the week.

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Mood of the week : Sur les pistes

Mood of the week: On the slopes

19 - February 25, 2024


From ski school to Olympic slaloms, from the green slope leading to the mountain restaurant to the north face of the highest peak in the resort, whatever your relationship with winter sports, the majesty of the mountains is undeniable. And while they're beautiful to hike in summer, their magic lies in their pure white winter coat. We can't get enough of them, and neither can our artists: our selection proves just how fascinating the mountains are to us. Ain't no mountain high enough...

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Mood of the week : St Valentin

Mood of the week: Valentine's day

12 - February 18, 2024


A honeymoon in a Tanzanian natural reserve at sunrise, a gondola ride in Venice or sunbathing on a heavenly beach seem like sweet dreams at this time of year. Without going that far, this week let's celebrate Cupid and love in all its forms with small affectionate gestures, serenades, poems or fiery declarations; anything goes on Valentine's Day. I can't live... if living is without you...

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Mood of the week : Délicatesse

Mood of the week: Delicacy

05 - February 11, 2024


Delicacy is a word that evokes flower petals, the softness of a caress, the morning dew. It is also an attitude towards others that invites us not to be abrupt, a noble feeling, a stance that we should all adopt. And in the words of Blaise Pascal, delicacy is a gift of nature, not an acquisition of art. Discover the works in our selection of the week, where lightness and finesse are supreme, where refinement and subtlety inspire our artists.

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Mood of the week : Turquoise

Mood of the week: Turquoise

January 29 - February 4, 2024


Persian blue, turquoise, ceruleum... the colour of tropical lagoons and precious stones, that special blue that evokes rarity, has been known since ancient times. From the turquoise jewels found on Tutankhamon's mask to Damien Hirst's famous shark, it is a reference colour in the history of art. The works of our artists are no exception. A Blue Lagoon for the road?

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Mood of the week : Vagues

Mood of the week: Waves

22 - January 28, 2024


Waves unleash passions, and many expressions are quoting them. Whether you're on the crest of a wave or waiting for the next, part of the new wave, or making some, this natural phenomenon leaves no one indifferent. Follow the undulations of the works in our selection this week and admire in turn their majestic power or their voluptuous calm. Don't forget to catch the wave!

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Mood of the week : Gris

Mood of the week: Grey

15 - January 21, 2024


It comes in fifty shades, is not always popular, and yet grey is the colour of elegance above all others. A flannel suit, a raw concrete interior, a silver Aston Martin, a steel worktop... The ultimate in desirable objects is often grey. Its shades, oscillating between white and black, don't absorb all the light, nor do they reflect it. They are simply there, present, chic and sober, measured and distinguished. All cats are grey after dark..

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Mood of the week : Danse

Mood of the week: Dance

08 - January 14, 2024


The sacred dances of rain or sun are a means of expression as ancient as existence itself. Expressing yourself by moving your body, undulating, jumping and pirouetting is also a way of doing without words. Vulnerability, anger, ecstasy, pain... dance can convey all these emotions, and sometimes several at once. From The Nutcracker to Pina Bausch, from Disco hits to Nureyev's prowess, we admire this art form like any other, as our selection of the week shows. Let's dance!

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